Proper Layering of Clothing for Winter
Proper Layering of Clothing for Winter
Finding the proper clothing to wear through the seasons can be difficult and even more difficult is choosing the proper layering of clothing during the colder months. During the winter months, those that live in or are visiting such areas need to how to "layer smart".
You do not want to over pile clothes on your body. Too much clothing or improper layers can cause your body temperature to increase, causing sweat. When this happens while wearing numerous layers, that sweat (or dampness) becomes trapped and begins to absorb your body heat, making you more susceptible to colds, viruses and other illnesses. A perfect example of a commonly made layering "no, no" is wearing just a heavy shirt and a coat. There are many different fabrics that clothing is made from and it is very important, when choosing which clothing to layer, you'll want to choose by fabric types.
Your first layer should consist of a thermal based fabric. Polypropylene and Thermax are some of the common thermal fabric choices available. Your second layer, also know as the "shedding layer", should be a good sweatshirt made of wool, fleece or other insulating fabrics to keep you warm. Working together with your thermal layer of clothing, this will help keep you dry and warm.
Finally, complete proper layering by wearing a good coat to protect you against outdoor weather conditions and most importantly, remember to wear a hat. 40% of a human's body heat escapes from the top of their head. Forgetting a hat is another main cause of winter illnesses. When using such techniques and making the proper clothing choices, you're sure to have a warm, healthy and happier winter.