From Hollywood to the Hamptons - The Humble Sweatshirt
From Hollywood to the Hamptons - The Humble Sweatshirt
Sweatshirts are back with a fashionista-type-style vengeance and are no longer considered a fashion for the would be bum. They are fast becoming a mainstay in fashion and are used from the casual dress down day all the way to the every day professional look. Sweatshirts have been and still are very popular for children and teens for use in play or for school. Sweatshirts are generally made of cotton and polyester, so they are mega comfortable. They can also have wool, cotton, and acrylic in the mix as well. These wide variety of fabrics enables sweatshirts to be very versatile and as well a real fashion favorite with all age groups.
Custom fashion sweatshirts are a rising star and they can be worn in most areas of the country and during any season of the year. Sweatshirts range from a variety of styles including: crew necks, hoodies, and also an off-the-shoulder style. Normally and typically they have are long sleeves, but there is a grunge/macho fashion emerging in which people cut off the sleeves. Sweatshirts can also get more upscale as well. There are sweats that come embroidered or silk screened. The logos can be professional or artistic. college sports are an extremely popular logo as well. Sweatshirts are a casual wear that appeals to all ages and genders.
Embroidered Sweatshirts are so attractive that they are being accepted and allowed by companies who had never allowed such dress before. These companies are re-evaluating traditional dress codes to embrace a new type of corporate casual wear. Embroidered sweatshirts will probably only be seen in the boardrooms and offices of businesses with very informal dress codes, however that does not mean they wont be used for promoting company identity. Embroidered sweatshirts are a fashion trend that has evolved to include a wide variety of colors and styles. Sweatshirts have risen in the ranks to claim a stake in the world of everyday casual and work fashions.